Calvol Volleyball Association

Teams and single players

We are always looking for new teams and single players. Sign up and we will try and find you a team. (Your name will appear within 24hrs)

We are always looking for new teams and single players. Sign up and we will try and find you a team.

Jakob Gorodetsky

Looking for a team to play volleyball. I am 18 and 5'9 (around 38 inch vert). I can play any position but setter and I am available every weekday evening. 403-354-5539

Shamil Khalimov

Hi guys, looking for a team in Tier 2. Played middle (6"1) for couple seasons at Calvol before. 403-629-70-10

Andrew Braun

Hey guys I'm a first year university student looking to join a competitive team. I'm 6ft4 and play L or R side at a college level. Shoot me a text at 204-332-1773.

Joel Goullet

Hey ladies n gents, Looking for a team to join, left handed opp or pass hit, grew up playing volleyball in Australia. It’s been 2 years since I played so looking to jump into a tier 3 team. Flick me an email or Facebook message if you are looking for an extra!

Spencer Bieri

Hello! Looking for a team to play on, I play either right side or left. Have played at the university and college level in Ontario. Excited to get a chance to play this winter!